Home Founding Thoughts

Founding Thoughts

by Editor, We Think...now

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Dare to think & think to change!


New Delhi,
February 16th, 2019

Dear Readers,
The purpose of putting up this website is simple – to encourage thinking which will facilitate positive change for our betterment. Change which is within the self and the change which is needed around us; changes desired in the material world, as well as in our thoughts and perceptions.

I feel that to bring about any change, three initial steps have to be taken i.e. think, engage & act to initiate. Thereafter the intrinsic strength of the idea, its need or acceptance by the majority and the vigour of its impact would define the reach or permanency of the change sought. Whereas the methods adopted to actualise could be different in each case, the starting point of every journey is in its initial thought. There is great potency in the power of human thought.

It has been very beautifully put into words, “Be the change that you wish to see in this World”. The quote is linked to Gandhi ji, though not backed by any document or in his writings (to the best of my knowledge). However these words bring out important facets of change management. Firstly the change agent has to himself or herself believe in the change. Secondly that someone has to be the initiator. Lastly that if you actually desire an outcome, then it might as well be you who acts to make it happen.

Let’s ignite some original thoughts, have healthy engagement on them, build consensus and push out into the world some worthy ideas, whose time has come. What better time to do this than the present? It would be best, if we think now.

Looking forward to some thinking caps to be put on. Happy thoughts!

Ramit Arora

Founder, We Think…now
